Sonntag, August 04, 2013

S.U.N. festival 2013, Thursday Kaleidoscope, Saturday Main Floor, Sunday Chill Out - 3 magic nights!

Juladi live visuals @ S.U.N. Festival, 24. - 28. July 2013
Thursday Kaleidoscope, Saturday Main Floor, Sunday Chill Out - 3 magic nights!

It´s hard to describe it with words... the S.U.N. festival was just heart opening. The people, the artists, the organisers... everybody was there to spread the love and feel the holyness of the sun. It´s a very special gathering with wonderful music. Special thanks from my side also to the Ultimae records musicians, Suduaya Musik, Argaman and many more for the outstanding music in the chill out. The feeling of hearing the music in this beautiful atmosphere with all the smiling brothers and sisters around me is for me so strong, that I sometimes even needed to cry.

Thursday night: the wonderful live audiovisual show with my friends Krissi and Gitch, Newlife Openair was such a nice collaboration and the KALEIDOSCOPE just gave the perfect scope for it.

To show my live visuals saturday night just above the djs and in front of all the dancing crowd on the MAIN FLOOR was another feeling which is not possible to describe. To see all the dancing crowd and be a part of the beautiful dance of music and the light show of the very special main floor decoration was really an honour. It was a pleasure to change the mood of the light and the visual inputs together with the light jockey Peter Huber.

To finish the festival together with Cell, Asura and Tajmahal at the CHILL OUT was an energy which I will keep in my heart for the rest of my life. To see all the smiling faces just in front of us and feel the energy which was growing in the days before was overwhelming. Thanks for the possibility to bring this beautiful music with my hands into a visual level.

Montag, Mai 13, 2013


First round:

12 players / 3 min each / free mix on imposed music

Second round:

8 players / 8 minutes for 2 players / you'll have to share the screen with an other player and fit to his/her style... be listening and collaborative, you'll be selected or eliminated together!
selected together!!! MrKa and Juladi

Third round:

ALIENS... I recorded and filmed it in the night and morning before the show, or generated it live. Semi-final / 4 players / 12 minutes each / you'll have to play with an imposed footage that will be delivered to you the day before to show similar or modified footage.

Fouth round:

4 players - fast rounds. Everybody hat to play 4 min each, then 3 min each, 2 min each, 1 min each... quick changes...

and at the end the result of the mapping Festival VJ Competition was:

1. VJ Juladi - Germany
2. VJ Fax - Italy
3. MrKa - France
also have a look at my facebook profile

Donnerstag, Mai 09, 2013

Some past Juladi gigs

Some past gigs:

2013 / 2014 Sun-Festival - Hungary
2014 Worldmuseum Vienna - Austria
2014 VJ Festival Nuremberg - Germany
2013 Schwabenquellen Stuttgart - Germany
2013 Juladi Tour 6 gigs in Vilnius - Lithuania, Riga - Latvia, Tallinn - Estonia, Espoo and Helsinki - Finland

2013 / 2012 / 2011 / 2008 Fusion Festival - Lärz - Germany
2013 Mapping Festival - Geneva - Swiss
2013 Tour mit Anna Gemina, Chemnitz, Magdeburg, Köln, Weimar, Leipzig - Germany
2013 / 2012 / 2011 Live Performers Meeting - Rome - Italy
2013 / Orange und Rainer von Vielen, Wagenhallen - Stuttgart - Germany
2012 / 2011 Ambiosonic Festival - France
2012 / 2011 Transition Festival - Almonte - Spain
2012 / 2010 / 2008 Liquid Sound Festival - Bad Orb / Bad Sulza - Germany
2011 Freemote Festival - Utrecht - Netherlands
2011 UNAM University - Mexico City - Mexico
2011 Robot Festival - Bologna - Italy
2011 Ozora Festival - Ozora - Hungary
2010 Pan O Rama - La Gomera - Spain
2010 / 2009 / 2008 Roenaissance-Festival (Open Air) - Italy
2010 Winter Solstice (Open Air) Cairns - Australia
2010 Luminate Festival (Open Air) - Golden Bay - New Zealand
2009 Fantastika-Festival (Open Air) - Austria
2009 Feuerwelt – Mühlheim am Main bei Frankfurt - Germany
2008 Zauberwald Festival - Eifel - Germany
2007 Beluga Fullmoon Festival Teneriffa, Canary Island - Spain
2007 La pura vida - La Gomera, Canary Island - Spain


Juladi live performance

Juladi live performance @ Planet Celebration Stuttgart - music from Carbon Based Lifefroms - Right where it ends

"SIGNAL ORANGE EP" Released by LIBELLE 2011 
Visuals by Juladi